Maintain a Safe Boiler and Boiler Room

Play It Safe

Maintain a Safe Boiler and Boiler Room

Boilers are many things. They are efficient. They are green. They are powerful. And, if not operated properly, they can be dangerous. Boiler safety is absolutely crucial when you’re handling large volumes of pressurized steam, fuel, fire, and scalding-hot water. To keep your boiler as safe as it is efficient, there are a couple of important things to remember.


The first step to maintaining a safe boiler and boiler room is to make sure it starts out that way. That requires a professional assessment of your boiler and boiler room by someone who knows what to look for. When a professional examines your boiler and boiler room, you’ll get a lot of valuable information. You’ll know the condition of your boiler. You’ll find out if there are any ways you can improve the efficiency of your operation. You’ll find out if there’s anything that can be done to your boiler room to improve operator productivity or safety. And, most importantly, you’ll get a baseline established so you’ll know if any slow, steady changes are happening over time that could indicate a safety or efficiency issue.


Regular inspections are absolutely essential to safe boiler operation. They can help you determine whether your boiler is operating at its most efficient, of course, but they can also make sure that you don’t have any potential safety issues developing. Inspections aren’t just a one-and-done thing, either. They need to be performed on a regular basis. Big issues with safety or efficiency don’t start out big. They usually start out as small problems that, if caught early enough, can save you from hazards or profit-eating downtime. 


To help keep your boiler safe, it’s important to establish a regular routine of preventive maintenance. Just like regular oil changes in your car, there are things that a boiler needs done on a consistent routine to keep it running well, and running safely. This includes regular cleanings of the fire side, especially the burners, to keep soot from building up. Your burners should also get regular checks to make sure they aren’t worn or damaged, because that can lead to unburned fuel collection. And combustion excursions. Fuel lines also need regular examinations and pressure tests to make sure you aren’t slowly leaking combustible fuel into the area around the boiler. If you have a fuel and/or air filter system in place, be sure to check and change it regularly as well. Unobstructed flow keeps the efficiency high, and the hazards low. 

Your exhaust system also needs regular inspection and cleaning, too. Any buildup can cause back pressure that can stifle combustion and ruin your efficiency. Proper exhaust performance is also necessary to keep potentially harmful combustion by products from making their way back into the boiler room. 

Regular lubrication and calibration of moving parts will also help keep your boiler running as it should. With a regular inspection, linkages will stay tight, modulating motors will keep working with precision, fans will run at top speed, and valves will open and close as they should.

Remember, if you don’t have anyone on your staff who can perform a proper boiler inspection, get a professional to do it. Someone with the expertise and understanding to know what’s working properly, and what needs some extra attention. Don’t leave your safety (and efficiency) to an amateur.


If there’s anyone on your staff who is operating your boiler, it’s essential that they know what they’re doing. Anyone who thinks a boiler is easy to operate is just asking for an accident. With proper training, a boiler operator will not only prolong the life of the boiler, he or she will keep it operating safely. If your people need training, there’s no better place to send them than WARE’s Boiler University. 


Every boiler manufacturer has guidelines in place for proper blowdowns. Make sure your operators are trained on the specifics of your particular boiler, and that they follow the manufacturer's instructions. Without proper blowdowns, sediment and scale can collect in your pressure vessel, shortening its life, hampering your steam production, and creating conditions that can lead to failure. 


Few things can endanger safety and/or efficiency like low water. If the boiler water level gets too low, it can cause undue stress on the surface of the pressure vessel, leading to cracks and leaks. That’s why your low-water cutoff columns have to be blown down daily, and tested at least once a day. Checking them regularly will make sure they are doing their crucial job of monitoring the boiler water level to keep it operating safely.


Your water system is actually one of the most important components of safe, efficient boiler operation. Water that is properly softened and treated can prolong the life and integrity of your boiler like few other things. That’s why it’s important to perform proper testing of your water to maintain correct chemical levels, lower the number of dissolved solids, and maintain proper softness. That way, you can help ensure your boiler doesn’t develop scale or corrosion that can lead to leaks and wasted money due to lower heat transfer. 

If you need an assessment, inspection, or anything else to keep your boiler and boiler room safe, WARE is here to help. We also have exceptional training resources available to bring your boiler operators up to speed on what they need. If you suspect your boiler is unsafe in any way, please contact us immediately. Of course, we’re here for anything else you need, too.

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