What is a Steam Devil? - Steam Culture Flashback

We are digging deep in our video vault to look back at some highlights from the Steam Culture archives. Fresh new content is coming soon, but in the meantime enjoy this flashback episode.

It's a brisk winter morning out on the lake when you see what looks like a miniature tornado made of steam. What you are looking at is a steam devil and today Brent will talk about how they are formed.
While we typically talk about steam being used in industrial process, steam can also be used by mother nature. Much like dust devils, steam devils are small and harmless but tend to look very cool. The spinning air would not be visible if it wasn't for our favorite thing, Steam. Watch as Brent describes what a Steam Devil is.

Key Terms:
Steam Devil
Lyons and Pease
Steam Education
Steam in Nature

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Music in this video
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Song: Bumper Tag
Artist: John Deley
Album: Bumper Tag
Licensed to YouTube by: YouTube Audio Library

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