Why are Boiler Rooms Spooky? - Steam Culture

On this Halloween edition of Steam Culture, Brent takes a look at why boiler rooms have become so spooky.

So when did boiler rooms become a place of fear? Brent has some ideas about that and how our perception isn't always reality.

Steam is a powerful tool used everyday and should be loved- not feared.. So Join us today as we talk about how culture and steam come together.

Key Terms:
Boiler Room
Nightmare on Elm Street
Steam Radiators

If you have any steamy questions that you want Brent to answer, email him at steamculture@wareinc.com. Be sure to join us next Friday for the latest on Steam Culture.

Remember the value of your boiler system, maintain it properly and save cost in the future.

502-968-2211 - Need a Boiler Rental? Get a quote within an hour!

4steamware.com - Purchase clever, steam industry themed t-shirts. All proceeds go to Kosair Charities.

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WareInc
Twitter: @wareinc
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